Bringing it all together - a national CRIS with a national consortia model incorporating a national co-ordination of Open Access

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Karlstrøm, Nina
Název časopisu
ISSN časopisu
Název svazku
Výzkumné projekty
Organizační jednotky
Číslo časopisu

The presentation will focus on the setting up of the Norwegian CRIStin, Current Research Information System in Norway. Established in January 2011, it is owned by the Ministry of Research and Education in cooperation with the Ministry of Health. CRIStin's main objects are to provide value to society by facilitating cooperation between different research areas and to collect and compile information from the research institutions based on a principle of free access for all.CRIStin's aim is also to provide high quality data on scientific publication as a basis for the funding system for universities/colleges, research institutes/foundations and specialised health care, as well as functioning in a centralized capacity for negotiating and licensing electronic resources to a large number of consortia. Looking more closely at the consortia model, the benefits and challenges of setting up a national body will be discussed. The presentation will also discuss the synergy effect of combining a national CRIS with a national consortia model and incorporating national co-ordination of Open Access into one organisation.

Klíčová slova
Cristin, vědecké publikování, licencování elektronických zdrojů, národní model konsorcií, Open Access, scientific publication, licensing electronic resources, national consortia model