Národní úložiště šedé literatury - třetí rok řešení

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Pejšová, Petra
Název časopisu
ISSN časopisu
Název svazku
Výzkumné projekty
Organizační jednotky
Číslo časopisu

The aim of this contribution is to inform the reader about the progress of building the National Repository of Grey Literature, a project now in its in third year. The project’s aim is to describe the most important tasks of 2010, including cooperation with international activities in the grey literature field. The main part of the contribution will concentrate on a software solution and partnership network, which will be presented in detail in subsequent contributions of these conference proceedings. In the end, we produced a book entitled, Grey Literature Repositories, which was presented at the 12th International Conference of Grey Literature, along with OpenGrey, a new platform for the European system of grey literature .

Klíčová slova
projekt, Národní uložiště šedé literatury, OpenGrey, project, National Repository of Grey Literature, OpenGrey