, Stephanie2024-10-142024-10-142024 presentation deals with the choice of an appropriate scientific journal to publish in. This presentation serves as the basis for a video from the Academic Writing Q&A series that was created as a supplement to the My First Scientific Article webinar. The presentation includes recommendations for journal selection and questions needed to help thinking through the details. The content is useful for Early Career Researchers and for everyone who is interested in scholarly communication and publishing.ené psanípublikováníodborný časopisWeb of ScienseScopuszačínající výzkumnícidoktorandiPhDškoliteléacademic writingpublishingjournalWeb of ScienceScopusEarly Career Researchersdoctoral candidatesPhD candidatessupervisorsHow do I choose a journal to publish in?Academic Writing Q&A Series 3educational material