, Mengu2023-11-212023-11-212018 public libraries in Turkey belongs to Ministry of Culture and every city in Turkey has many public libraries, more than 1,140 libraries now. In 2014, they decided to migrate from a local system to Koha and after first period, we widely start to support public libraries in a centeralized system with Koha. Many new modules were added to Koha system and we also migrate to 3.20.x version later. More than 5.000.000 duplicate bibliographic records were merged in that period. In this presentation, we’d like to share all installation process of a largest centeralized system by a free open source library system Koha.ené knihovnické systémyautomatizace knihovenotevřený softwareveřejné knihovnykonverzeautomated library systemslibrary automationopen source softwarepublic librariesconversionLargest Koha Installation of 1,130 Public Libraries in Turkeyconference paper