šová, PetraVyčítalová, Hana2023-11-292023-11-292013 poster presents survey about the state of enhanced publications in the Czech Republic. The goal of this survey was to find out situation of enhanced publications at research institutions in the Czech Republic. What research data arise? How are they stored and archived? To whom they made available? Are there the real enhanced publications, i.e. research publications linked directly to research data? 113 Czech research institutions were contacted with online questionnaire during 11th September to 7th October 2013. The poster will show the results from 65 Czech research institutions which filled in the questionnaire.enřidružené publikaceprůzkumvýzkumné institucevýzkumné publikacevýzkumná dataEnhanced publicationssurveyresearch institutionsresearch publicationsresearch dataconferencevědecká setkáníscientific meetingsPrůzkum stavu přidružených publikací v ČRSurvey of Enhanced publications in the Czech Republicconference poster