Machan, Jaroslav

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  • PublikaceOtevřený přístup
    Zkušenosti ze spolupráce akademické a průmyslové sféry v oblasti výzkumu a vývoje
    (2011) Machan, Jaroslav
    The fast process of globalisation and, as a result, the increasing pressures of worldwide competition require intensification of cooperation between the academic and industrial sectors at both national and multinational levels. The presentation outlines selected topics and identifies areas that should develop such cooperation and make it more effective as the next step. Primarily, these include: Selected factors limiting cooperation on the academic side, Deficiencies in the methods of approaching joint projects, Different ideas of time constants in joint projects, Clearly set key responsibilities of the respective worksites, Possible factors of reinforcing the cooperation. Furthermore, the presentation outlines ŠKODA Auto Development Department experience of cooperation with the academic sector in joint projects, specifically: R&D projects funded from non-public resources (ŠA's direct contracts, contracts of VW Research), R&D projects funded from public resources (EU, Czech Republic), Training & education projects funded from public resources (esf).