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Cestovní zpráva - Konference IFIP EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2024
(Národní technická knihovna, 2024) Štogr, Jakub
IFIP EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2024 je odborná konference zaměřená na oblast e-Government a e-Democracy, což obsahuje témata jako je např. Digital Government, e-Participation, Open Government, Smart Government, AI government, GovTech, Algoritmic Governance. Letošní ročník věnovat značnou část programu tématu AI a OpenData.
Getting Things Flowing: Support to Put the PIDs and the Data Where They Need To Be
(National Library of Technology, 2024) Brown, Josh
In this session, we will explore proposed approaches for national PID support services; discuss the benefits such services could bring, including their impact on equity, efficiency, and sustainability; and assess the challenges that can hinder the implementation of these valuable initiatives. We will contrast the scale of the potential benefits they can bring, in terms of accelerated adoption, reduced integration costs, more comprehensive coverage for PID systems, improved metadata quality, time saved, equitable distribution of PID benefits, and improved openness with the challenges in establishing such a service, from making a business case to getting political buy-in. We will offer practical advice and the lessons learned from our work with several initiatives globally, and provide case studies with input from those working to establish central PID support services in their country.
Collaborative Research and an International Focus in the Irish National PID strategy
(National Library of Technology, 2024) Griffith, Lisa
This presentation will discuss the development of the Irish National PID strategy, commissioned by the National Open Research Forum (NORF) in response to the National Action Plan on Open Research, 2022-2030. Recognising the importance of PIDs underpinning many emerging national policy and research infrastructure frameworks as key to supporting the interoperability of Irish research, the PID strategy development process also highlighted PIDs as a desirable support for advancing the core values of equity and fairness, diversity and inclusiveness, advocated for in the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science (2021).
Smlouva o zajištění služeb DataCite - vzor
(Národní technická knihovna, 2024) Národní technická knihovna, National Library of Technology
Vzorová smlouva o zajištění služeb DataCite.