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Publikace Otevřený přístup Budoucnost NTK: služba výzkumu a vzdělávání: Veřejná panelová diskuse s partnery Národní technické knihovny(2014) Národní technická knihovna, National Library of TechnologyDiskutující: Roman Brychta – Projektil architekti, Zdeněk Hostomský – ředitel ÚOCHB AV ČR, Stanislava Hronová – členka předsednictva GA ČR, Petr Konvalinka – rektor ČVUT, Marie Kousalíková - starostka Městské části Praha 6, Karel Melzoch – rektor VŠCHT Praha, Markéta Sedmíková – prorektorka ČZU pro vědu a výzkum, Martin Svoboda – ředitel NTK, Jaromír Veber - náměstek ministra MŠMT pro vědu a vysoké školství. Moderátorka: Nora FridrichováPublikace Otevřený přístup Budování fondů v NTK, služby s přidanou hodnotou(2014) Motejlková, AnnaPublikace Omezený přístup Cestovní zpráva - 35. konference IATUL (The International Association of University Libraries)(2014) Dvořáková, DrahomíraVe dnech 2. - 5. 6. 2014 v Helsinkách (Finsko) proběhla 35. výroční konference asociace IATUL (The International Association of University Libraries). Pořadatelem konference byla Aalto University. Za Národní technickou knihovnu se zúčastnila Mgr. Drahomíra Dvořáková. Téma letošní konference bylo zvolené s podtitulem “Measures for Success: Library Resources and Effectiveness under Scrutiny”. Klíčovými pojmy byly přidaná hodnota a měření efektivity vynaložených prostředků (ROI), související v obecné rovině s následujícími prezentovanými tématy: Scientometrie; Marketing; Organizace knihovny a redesign; Knihovna jako prostor; Informační zdroje uvnitř knihovny; Externí informační zdroje a Kompetence a znalosti knihovníků. Mezi klíčové přednášející patřili Carol Tenopir (Měření akademických služeb), Rafael Ball (Bibliometrie), Tom Cochrane (Open Access) a Mikko Hyppönen (Informační bezpečnost). Konference byla velmi přínosná již s ohledem na její úzké zaměření, setkání se zástupci univerzitních knihoven z celého světa a množství příležitostí diskutovat nad aktuálními tématy.Publikace Omezený přístup Cestovní zpráva - Akademické knižnice a informačné služby: Nové paradigmy pre digitálny vek(2006) Kožuchová, DarinaPublikace Omezený přístup Cestovní zpráva - Innovation through Collaboration: LIBER 38th annual general conference(2009) Římanová, RadkaZpráva ze služební cesty na konferenci 38th LIBER Annual General Conference.Publikace Otevřený přístup Cestovní zpráva - LIBER 44th Annual Conference: Towards Open Science(2015) Žižková, ŠtěpánkaNa konferenci LIBER konané ve dnech 24. – 26. 6. 2015 v budově Imperial Colledge v Londýně účastnice této služební cesty vyslechla přednášky zejména z tematického okruhu Open Acces, Open Data a Open Science, metody zpřístupnění informací pro vědeckou a akademickou komunitu a účastnila se jednání jak v rámci četných workshopů, tak i práce a hlasování v plénu.Publikace Omezený přístup Cestovní zpráva - Zápis ze Semináře DSpace 3. setkání českých uživatelů systému DSpace(2010) Fürstová, IvetaDvoudenní setkání knihovníků, informačních pracovníků a programátorů bylo věnováno tématu otevřeného přístupu k vědecké publikované literatuře a jeho přínosu pro vědeckou práci a komunikaci.Publikace Otevřený přístup Cestovní zpráva - zasedání Executive Board LIBER(2015) Svoboda, MartinÚčast člena Výkonného výboru LIBER na jeho podzimním zasedání. Přínosem pro NTK (kromě prestiže) je dostupnost aktuálních informací o dění v prostředí, v němž knihovny fungují.Publikace Otevřený přístup Cooking Stone Soup: Porous Workforce Training at the Czech National Library of Technology as a Supplement to (Impermeable) University Education(2016) Chodounská, Alena; Krueger, StephanieAs in many other countries around the world, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) libraries in the Czech Republic are facing the difficult challenge of meeting the rapidly-evolving service needs of the communities they support in an environment in which the current university educational system does not provide graduates—neither those from STEM subjects nor those graduating from Czech library/information professional schools—with the appropriate set of skills needed for working in today’s specialized information provision settings. As a result, the Czech National Library of Technology (NTK) has been forced to provide on-the-job workforce training since early 2015 to its reference, instructional, and front-lines services staff simply in order to keep pace with STEM library developments outside the Czech Republic. This weekly workforce training effort, christened NTKu (short for NTKyouniversity), does not resemble traditional university education with its rigid structures and focus on the attainment of a degree. NTKu is, instead, porous: traditional “impermeable,” less flexible university curricula are supplemented with on-demand, ever-changing targeted instruction on specific issues, topics, and skills applied immediately to real-work settings. This manner of instruction, as the authors discuss in the paper, can yield highly effective results; however, unique challenges can emerge in an instructional environment lacking traditional measures of effectiveness (i.e., grades) and requiring voluntary participation by both learners and instructors. Such porous instructional efforts resemble those of open source software (OSS) communities, in which voluntary effort can produce results benefiting a particularly community—but only to the degree of investment provided by contributors. Such initiatives resemble cooking stone soup: the results can be tasty, but everyone involved needs to bring something to the table.Publikace Otevřený přístup From interlending to resource sharing between scholars?: an analysis of recent developments(2019) Saarti, Jarmo; Tuominen, KimmoEven though resource sharing between scholars is evolving rapidly, we still have paper-based interlibrary lending (ILL) procedures in use. However, the current business model of acquiring toll-access journals and e-books does not seem to fit very well with traditional ILL practices. In addition, the new models of peer-to-peer resource sharing between academics seem to be much more effective than ILL. Scholars arrange access to the needed publications by using legal (buying, exchanging) and illegal means (Sci-Hub, etc.) for accessing the publications they need. Furthermore, the demands for open access (OA) have increased, voiced not only by librarians and science funders but also by politicians. This development might change the scholarly publication ecosystem, even though older publications are still likely to remain closed. In the present paper, we contrast the ILL and usage statistics of Finnish university libraries with the use of ResearchGate, a popular academic social network, which we treat as an example of a peer-to-peer sharing service. Based on the data, we attempt to understand how resource sharing, on the one hand formally between institutions, and on the other hand informally between scholars, will develop in the digital and increasingly open future.Publikace Otevřený přístup In-transit practices among multi-campus university libraries in Turkey(2019) Cuhadar, Sami; Cimen, Ertugrul; Turan, AbdullahLibrary in-transit services provided between various campuses of a university are important, helping to ensure user satisfaction, effective allocation of library budgets, optimum use of resources, and effective use of library spaces. In this study, 179 universities operating in Turkey were identified and selected for assessment. The methods which libraries at these universities employ to deliver information resources to users at other campuses as well as their in-transit practices are explained in detail. The paper presents the findings of a survey that was conducted at the selected university libraries in order to assess the current state and the impact of resource sharing via the in-transit method on library budgets, library spaces, and user satisfaction. The in-transit practice of Istanbul Bilgi University (BİLGİ) Library, which has a well-established in-transit policy and which keeps detailed statistics, was also used as a case study to analyze in-transit statistics and survey findings and to provide suggestions for future improvement. Design/methodology/approach: This study employed a historical and explanatory approach; statistical methods are used to analyze the results of the survey. An important outcome of the study was that it documented the current status of in-transit practices at academic universities in Turkey. The authors utilized their professional experiences in developing resource sharing and in-transit services within a university library context in Turkey in order to design the survey. Objectives: This research paper might be useful for any university librarians interested in resource sharing, effective use of library budgets, library collections, and library spaces, especially in developing countries. The paper also provides academic libraries with a set of guidelines for establishing an in-transit service. Originality/value: This paper is the first study of in-transit services provided between Turkish university libraries. It also addresses the opportunities and challenges that arise when establishing or improving in-transit services. The results of the study will be of use to university libraries, researchers, and library professionals working in the field.Publikace Otevřený přístup Publikace Otevřený přístup MEF University and MEF Library Services(2019) Cimen, ErtugrulVideozáznam pochází z přednášky pana Ertgrula Cimena, ředitele knihovny MEF University (Turecko). V rámci své stáže v NTK přednášel o univerzitě a službách knihovny pro zaměstnance NTK.Publikace Otevřený přístup Narrowing the gap of the digital divide: how NSTL contributes(2019) Xu, Xiaomu; Leng, LingIn China, a digital divide results from geographical conditions, unbalanced economic development, individual differences, and other factors. To bridge this gap and to weaken the polarisation between the “information wealthy” and the “information poor,” a federal, Internet-based library, the National Science and Technology Library (NSTL), has been founded. This paper will introduce what NSTL is and how NSTL contributes to narrowing the gaps in order to reduce differences between the two groups in access to science and technology information and resources. NSTL consists of 9 library members, all of which are national authoritative libraries in different disciplines, respectively covering the natural sciences, engineering, agriculture, medicine, standards, and other fields. First, to narrow the gap caused by geographical conditions, NSTL has built 40 service stations covering 29 provinces, thus forming a nationwide information service network with the help of local and industrial scientific information institutions. This action not only guarantees resource sharing to the whole country, but also improves the service abilities of local providers. Second, to narrow the gap caused by unbalanced economic development, approximately 25,000 types of print resources that are state-funded can be unconditionally supplied to the public at reasonable prices, especially with low prices for remote and poor areas. Document delivery services are ordered over 400,000 times every year. Nearly 4,000 kinds of electronic journals are free for all domestic welfare and educational group users via Internet protocol address permissions. Third, to narrow the gap caused by individual differences, NSTL provides an integrated discovery system on the basis of unified cataloguing so that everyone can search literature easily. NSTL also organises trainings and seminars across the country, introducing and promoting resources to all communities. In addition, NSTL strives to explore approaches to international information access and to foster cooperation opportunities in order to close the gaps between countries.Publikace Otevřený přístup Nový web NTK: vstříc uživatelským potřebám a zvyklostem v globálním prosíťovaném akademickém(2014) Krueger, StephaniePublikace Otevřený přístup NTK Discovery: od katalogu k centralizovanému vyhledávání(2014) Pokorný, JanPublikace Otevřený přístup Podpis Memoranda o společném zájmu(2015) Národní technická knihovna, National Library of TechnologyPublikace Otevřený přístup Proceedings of the 16th IFLA ILDS conference: Beyond the paywall - Resource sharing in a disruptive ecosystem(National Library of Technology, 2019) Collins, Peter D.; Krueger, Stephanie; Skenderija, SashaPublikace Otevřený přístup Publikace Otevřený přístup Vize, mise, strategie, taktika a realita(2014) Svoboda, Martin