Mynarz, Jindřich

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  • PublikaceOtevřený přístup
    A linked-data vocabulary of grey literature document types: Version 1.0
    (2011) Pejšová, Petra; Mynarz, Jindřich; Simandlová, Tereza
    The first version of the vocabulary of the types of grey literature in RDF (Resource Description Framework) is based on an analysis of grey literature typologies and a draft version of vocabulary presented on GL12. The draft version of the vocabulary of the types of grey literature was reviewed by 14-member international working group appointed to this purpose. From January until July 6, 2011 42 comments and suggestions were accepted. Subsequently, they were incorporated by the NTK (National Technical Library) team. Changes mainly redefined some collections, some document types were merged and others excluded. The major changes concerned the following collections: monographs, informative materials, datasets and research plans. By our poster we would like to introduce the first version and discuss the possibility of using it by grey literature community. The vocabulary of the types of grey literature is publicly available on http://code.google.com/p/grey-literature-typology/ . The record includes also a poster, which was a part of presentation.