Svoboda, Martin

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  • PublikaceOmezený přístup
    Cestovní zpráva - ELAG 2009 - New Tools of the Trade
    (2009) Kolátor, Jan; Janíček, Milan; Pejšová, Petra; Svoboda, Martin
    The ELAG (European Library Automation Group) Conference is Europe's premier conference for library and information management technology. For more than twenty-five years, ELAG has provided a unique opportunity for European library systems professionals to discuss current problems and future challenges, and to exchange best practices. ELAG participants include more than 450 members in 27 countries all over Europe. The meetings aim at in depth discussions of particular library automation topics and at the promotion of informal exchange of ideas and experience. Topics of past conferences have included digital libraries, library portals, institutional repositories, web services, digital preservation and open source software. The topics covered are technical and meant for participants with an appropriate technical background.