Saenko, Alina

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  • PublikaceOtevřený přístup
    Let's cultURIze!: PIDs and Persistent URI's in the Heritage Sector in Flanders
    (National Library of Technology, 2024) Saenko, Alina; Scheers, Lode
    Meemoo vzw (Flemish institute for archives) is a non-profit organisation that supports the digital archive operations of cultural, media and government organisations. Since 2013 we have been researching practical implementation of PID-theories in the cultural heritage landscape in Flanders. During our research we have gathered experience and knowledge on strategic and operational levels. We have dealt with conceptual and practical questions like identification of real-life artworks and digital data about them, centralised or decentralised PID-services, management-tools or PIDs for heritage institutions, disseminating the PIDs or objects through Wikidata etc. With this session we would like to share our lessons learned (both successes and epic failures) from previous years, showcase the cultURIze tool and the PID strategy template and get feedback from the community.