Cousijn, Helena

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  • PublikaceOtevřený přístup
    PID Providers Keynote: Delivering Value to the Research Sector
    (National Library of Technology, 2024) Simons, Natasha; Shillum, Chris; Gould, Maria; Clark, Jonathan; Cousijn, Helena; Ross, Shawn
    Keynote Panel Presentation at the PIDfest Conference 2024 covering PID providers' perspective: ORCID (Chris Shillum), ROR (Maria Gould), DOI Foundation (Jonathan Clark), DataCite (Helena Cousijn), RAiD (Shawn Ross).
  • PublikaceOtevřený přístup
    Research Activity Identifiers (RAiDs): Bringing an Emerging PID to Global Production
    (National Library of Technology, 2024) Ross, Shawn; Cousijn, Helena; Liffers, Matthias; Simons, Natasha
    This workshop provides an overview of the Research Activity Identifier (RAiD). RAiD is a persistent identifier for research projects, which links a project’s organisations, people, inputs and outputs and provides key information not found elsewhere. RAiDs reduce the administrative burden of research project management, facilitate reporting of research outputs and impacts, and make research more transparent by exposing a project’s make-up and how it changes over time. The workshop consists of three parts lasting 20 minutes each. First, we will briefly introduce RAiD, focusing on the overall approach, metadata schema, identifier strategy, and the latest RAiD development and implementation updates. This part will include a short demonstration. Next, participants will have the opportunity to use the system, creating and editing RAiDs in a demonstration environment (including a web application and API). Finally, we will offer participants the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback about the system itself, use cases, and other aspects of RAiD that can inform future technical and policy development.