ELAG 2018
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Publikace Otevřený přístup Lightning Talks, June 8(2018) Le Provost, Aline; Greenall, Rurik; Nicolas, Yann; Dennis, Tim; Seige, Leander; Koster, Lukas; Harlow, ChristinaLinks Quality for/by Human and Machines - Aline Le Provost, Using Cucumber for Collaboration - Rurik Greenall, SOLR TOTAL. 1000 MARC Fields. 2000 Indexes - Yann Nicolas, Library Carpentry. Software and Data Data Skills for Library Professionals - Tim Dennis, A Lightning Talk on Manuscripts and IIIF - Leander Seige, ELAG Community - Lukas Koster, Christina HarlowPublikace Otevřený přístup Lightning Talks, June 7(2018) Neubert, Joachim; Kiraly, Péter; Wang, Jing; Lager, Lassi; Dijskshoorn, Chris; Dekker, HarrisonMaking Wikidata Fit as a Linking Hub for Knowledge Organization Systems - Joachim Neubert, Data Quality Flea Market - Péter Kiraly, Shareable Authority - Jing Wang, Linked Data Is Dead - Lassi Lager, Rijks Museum - Chris Dijskshoorn, Blending/Reblending Library Services: Supporting Reproducible Science - Harrison DekkerPublikace Otevřený přístup In Out, In Out, And Shake It All About: A Moving Story of Data(2018) Stevenson, JaneThe Archives Hub blends data. We bring together descriptions of archives, archival resources and repositories in a way that enables us to present an effective and valuable service through our website. We spent two years creating an entirely new system that was built upon the principle of bringing in data from different sources and providing that data for different purposes. I would like to give some insights from our experience of doing this, and consider whether we have created something innovative and with inherent potential for future development. I will talk about the architecture that we wanted to create, the workflow that we believed to be essential to our aims, and the challenges that we faced in being able to create a blend of data that could be successfully deblended in different ways. It required a great deal of thought and planning in terms of what we wanted to achieve, how we should process the data to fulfil those aims, and how we would work with data contributors, who were essential to our success. Over a year after going live with the new service, have we achieved our aim of more consistent, standardised data, and have we provided the realistic potential for the data to be re-used? I will give examples of where I think we have fulfilled our aims and where we still have issues. I will argue that the ability to blend/deblend relies upon systems and technology, but it also relies upon people and their habits, expectations, understanding and ambitions.Publikace Otevřený přístup A Lightning Talk on Manuscripts and IIIF(2018) Seige, LeanderLightning Talks (June 8), video recording is available at: http://repozitar.techlib.cz/record/1275Publikace Otevřený přístup ELAG Community(2018) Koster, Lukas; Harlow, ChristinaLightning Talks (June 8), video recording is available at: http://repozitar.techlib.cz/record/1275Publikace Otevřený přístup Blend and deblend Linked open data in a Consortium(2018) Pallarès, JordiWorking in a Consortium give us the perspective to see the benefits of blending ideas to create a applications from a central data/point. In some cases we found the Institution want to deblend or „not blend“ with the consortium and prefer or they see more benefits to made his own aplication. We explain our experience in the Consortium blending and not blending desicions and explain two projects in linked open data to show examples of this two ways. One project We blend all the authorities and in other we not blend in the case of Thesaurus of the University of Barcelona using Skos format.Publikace Otevřený přístup From XML to MARC: RDF Behind the Scenes(2018) Nicolas, YannWe collect heterogeneous metadata packages from various publishers. Although all of them are in XML, they vary a lot in terms of vocabulary, structure, granularity, precision, and accuracy. It is quite a challenge to cope with this jungle and recycling it to meet the needs of the Sudoc, the French academic union cataloguing system. How to integrate and enrich these metadata? How to integrate them in order to process them in a regular way, not through ad hoc processes? How to integrate them with specific or generic controlled vocabularies ? How to enrich them with author identifiers, for instance? RDF looks like the ideal solution for integration and enrichment. Metadata are stored in the Virtuoso RDF database and processed through a workflow steered by the Oracle DB. We will illustrate this generic solution with Oxford UP metadata: ONIX records for printed books and KBART package description for ebooks. So. A relational database as glue and pipeline engine… RDF as internal model… MARC as output …. Quite weird… Was this abstract written by an ELAG-specific random text generator?Publikace Otevřený přístup From Hydras to TACOs: Evolving the Stanford Digital Repository(2018) Harlow, Christina; Fahy, ErinStanford University Library has a robust digital library system called the Stanford Digital Repository. This repository holds a little under 500 TB of materials in preservation and online for researchers, capture of scholarly output, and digitized cultural heritage materials. These materials are managed across 90+ codebases serving a variety of functions from self-deposit web applications, to a nearly 10 year old parallel processing framework, to a digital repository assets publication mechanism leading into our Blacklight, Spotlight, and Geoblacklight applications – among other services and needs. At the core of this system is a Fedora 3 store. With Fedora 3 now end-of-lifed, and our system suffering from limited to no horizontal scalability options, we’re revisiting our system and architecture. We are writing it from the start with a goal to have data-forward, distributed microservices and some event-driven processing components. TACO, our new core management API, is the heart of this new architecture, and is currently being developed as a prototype. This talk will walk through the process of analysing our current system via a dataflows analysis; designing a new architecture for our digital library with a wide ranging set of requirements and users; prototyping a core component of our new architecture to be horizontally scalable as well as data & specification driven; then planning how to create ‘seams’ in our current system to migrate towards our new system in an evolutionary fashion instead of a turn-key migration.Publikace Otevřený přístup Links quality for/by human and machines: an interface dedicated to linkage tasks(2018) Le Provost, AlineLightning Talks (June 8), video recording is available at: http://repozitar.techlib.cz/record/1275Publikace Omezený přístup Blending/Reblending Library Services: Supporting Reproducible Science(2018) Dekker, HarrisonLightning Talks (June 7), video recording is available at: http://repozitar.techlib.cz/record/1274Publikace Otevřený přístup DeepGreen: Blending Data to Transform the German Scientific Publication Landscape to More Open Access(2018) Dierkes, Thomas; Goltz-Fellgiebel, Julia A.In this talk, the technical difficulties and the corresponding solutions of the tasks at hand, to automatically blend in legal information with given metadata, are illustrated. Preliminary results with pilot publishing houses are presented and possible shortcomings of the project are discussed. Finally, the outlook of establishing a central, nation-wide service for a liable, automatic transformation of any OA-entitled publication will be given.Publikace Otevřený přístup Pushing SKOS(2018) Ostrowski, Felix; Pohl, AdrianThis presentation introduces the simple knowledge organization hub (skohub), a proof of concept web service that allows to do just that based on current web standards. Given a SKOS vocubulary, the service publishes it on the web, providing RDF serializations along with a human-readable HTML front end. For each topic described in the vocabulary, a Linked Data Notifications inbox is provided, making it possible to publish and receive notifications about resources related to that topic. Finally, WebSub enables subscriptions for push notifications about resources matching a topic.Publikace Otevřený přístup Library Carpentry: software and data skills for library professionals(2018) Dennis, TimLightning Talks (June 8), video recording is available at: http://repozitar.techlib.cz/record/1274Publikace Otevřený přístup Blending and Debledning Data in the Daily Routine of a University Library(2018) Stille, WolfgangIn libraries, there is something like a war of opinions about library software in the last couple of years: some (in particular library management) prefer the licensing of commercial software products with strict business models, others (n particular library IT) participate in community driven open source solutions. Probably, the truth lies somewhere in between, which means that standards, interfaces, and interoperability play a more and more imortant role in the business of library IT, and thus have to be open. At the same time, monolithic commercial software solutions implying vendor lock-ins emerge, promising all-in-one one-stop-shop solutions, obstructing an objective debate between library management and IT staff. The talk intends to give some experiental report on the past, tries to answer questions and reasons of the present, and gives some vision (and hopefully discussion) on the future of library IT.Publikace Otevřený přístup A Machine for Automatic Subject Indexing Using ToC(2018) Pokorný, JanThe technology developed in the National Library of Technology can extract a document’s table of content (TOC), generate relevant keywords, and suggest terms for various classification schemas (UDC, DDC, LCC, Conspectus). It can fully or substantially automate the process of generating subject access, unite it across libraries, and significantly increase accuracy and relevancy compared to subject assignments by non-specialist catalogers. Such increased quality in subject access terms is often seen in the superior subject facets generated by discovery systems and library OPAC advanced search forms.Publikace Otevřený přístup Rethinking the IT system architecture(2018) Berthold, HenrikeThe Saxon State and University Library in Dresden (SLUB) is the university library of Dresden University of Technology (TUD) and the state library of Saxony with a history starting in1556. Because of these two roles, it is an independent research institution with a range of tasks. They include services for TUD, such as an open access repository, support for specific research communities, collection and long-term preservation of digital documents published in Saxony, and internal production and processing workflows. In the presentation I will present the target IT infrastructure, the background of some design decisions, the challenges we have identified and the projects we currently run to develop our infrastructure towards the target one.Publikace Otevřený přístup Solr Total(2018) Nicolas, YannLightning Talks (June 8), video recording is available at: http://repozitar.techlib.cz/record/1275Publikace Otevřený přístup Using Cucumber for Collaboration(2018) Greenall, RurikLightning Talks (June 8), video recording is available at: http://repozitar.techlib.cz/record/1275Publikace Otevřený přístup RIJKS Museum(2018) Dijskshoorn, ChrisLightning Talks (June 7), video recording is available at: http://repozitar.techlib.cz/record/1274Publikace Otevřený přístup The datahub: de/blending museum data(2018) Vandermaesen, MatthiasThe Flemish Museums for Fine and Contemporary Art offer an overview of the art production in the Southern Netherlands and Belgium form the Middle Ages to the Twenty-First Century. The Flemish Art Collection is a non-profit organisation tasked with promoting the collection to an international and diverse audience. Delivery of knowledge and expertise curated by the museums is a big challenge. Blending cultural object records stored accross various databases and commercial registration systems is non-trivial and prevents opening up the collections across the walls of the museums. In 2015, the Flemish Art Collection started the Datahub Project. Over the past years, a modern metadata aggregation platform was built, leveraging open source technologies and open standards. This presentation will highlight the architecture of this platform, and the design process. The Datahub platform is a service oriented architecture and consists of three major components. The core is a home grown, reusable metadata aggregator called The Datahub. This web-application is build with the Symfony framework. Metadata records are ingested via a RESTful API, stored in a MongoDB database and disseminated via an OAI-PMH endpoint. User friendly discovery of metadata is covered via Project Blacklight and geared towards museal workers as well as the general public. Finally, we repurposed the Catmandu framework for flexible and extensible setup of ETL pipelines between the registration systems of the data providers, the Datahub and the discovery interface. Since we are exchanging information about cultural heritage objects, we use the LIDO XML exchange format designed and developed by ICOM. The project taught us several valuable lessons. What are the benefits of looking across the borders of your own domain? What are key success factors? How do you identify pitfalls? But it also raises a set of new questions. How do we go from here? What’s next? The tools and the codebase are freely available under a GPLv3 license and are actively documented and maintained on Github.