Pro knihovníky a informační specialisty
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Publikace Omezený přístup The Academic Library as an Agent for Academic Literacy Innovation(National Library of Technology, 2024) Urban, AdamThis presentation outlines the importance of academic literacy and describes how academic libraries can play a significant role in its development using the Czech National Library of Technology (NTK) as an example. Given the rapid changes in academia and the demands on academic libraries, including in the Czech Republic, many academic libraries have had to adapt and expand their service offerings. The concept of academic literacy, which provides an umbrella term for the new kinds of assistance that libraries can provide, covers a wide range of skills needed and desired such an evolving academic environment. An expanded focus on academic literacy—moving beyond information literacy— provides students and early career researchers with skills that will better equip them for a career in academia and beyond. Through study materials, webinars, and face-to-face consultations, NTK is actively working on developing transferable skills and competencies in the academic realm. In my presentation, I describe NTK’s initiatives and the changes made in library services. It includes a description of longitudinal quantitative data collection regarding academic literacy efforts over the last 5 years (2018-2023), including student feedback and gaps we still need to address; and a qualitative analysis of the data regarding the range and types of services provided. Academic libraries in evolving environments who are considering providing similar literacy support will be able to use our efforts as an example in designing their own, locally tailored services.Publikace Omezený přístup Vyhodnocení cyklu webinářů a workshopů pro doktorandy a začínající výzkumníky – letní semestr 2024(Národní technická knihovna, 2024) Šátková, BarboraZpráva shrnující lekce Národní technické knihovny zaměřené na podporu doktorandů a začínajících výzkumníků na jaře (v letním semestru) 2024. Zahrnuty jsou jak otevřené webináře, na které se mohl přihlásit kdokoliv, tak workshopy NTK, které proběhly v rámci kurzu Scientific Writing in English. Kromě organizačních údajů obsahuje informace o návštěvnosti a vyhodnocení zpětné vazby účastníků.