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Publikace Otevřený přístup 09\09\09 Start se zdařil,... 09\09\10 ...jedeme úspěšně dál a opět překvapujeme(2010) Národní technická knihovna, National Library of TechnologyPublikace Otevřený přístup A National System for Purchasing eResources: How Will We Form CzechElib? : Roundtable Discusion(2013) Bartošek, MiroslavPublikace Otevřený přístup A short story about multi-dimensional research assessment and SciVal applications(2011) Verheggen, JoepResearch assessment is a abroad endeavour. At the root it is an attempt to measure the return on investment in scientific –scholarly research. Research assessment includes the evaluation of research quality and measurements of research inputs, outputs and impacts and embraces both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. In his talk the presenter provides a concise overview of developments in research assessment and evaluation practices and will address a conceptual model for multi-dimensional research assessment. He will further address Elsevier’s involvement in research management through its “SciVal” portfolio of research performance, - planning and - funding applications. The presenter will demonstrate how this portfolio can meaningful contribute to both national/regional and institutional assessment exercises. He will subsequently provide a number of examples to illustrate how Governments and/or HE Institutions and organisations like Elsevier can collaborate to improve the quality of Research Management and the assessment exercise process.Publikace Otevřený přístup Academic Scholarship in the Digital Age(2010) Schmiede, RudiDigital information and the increasing amount and availability of its basis, data, is changing scholarship to a more or less dramatic extent. New areas of research and knowledge have been created by the availability of machine-produced data, calculations, and simulations in various academic disciplines. In academic teaching, too, digitized sources and forms of learning are about to convert studying and lecturing to a considerable amount. However, no adequate infrastructure for digital information has emerged yet. Whereas in the field of scientific information providers (libraries, document centers, publishers etc.) new services, arrangements and business models are being experimented with, the scholarly disciplines are, by and large, lagging behind these developments, as are most scientific work practices and teaching in general. To sum up: An information infrastructure of scholarly information has been developed, but not one for scholarly information, yet. What this means, and some ideas of what could be done about it, shall be discussed in the talk.Publikace Otevřený přístup Asociácia doktorandov Slovenska(2017) Rentková, KatarínaPublikace Otevřený přístup Attracting and Supporting Talent at Research University(National Library of Technology, 2024) Krištoufek, LadislavPresentation at the KRECon Conference 2024.Publikace Otevřený přístup Austria: What to learn from two decades of catching up on R&D?(National Library of Technology, 2024) König, ThomasPresentation at the KRECon Conference 2024.Publikace Otevřený přístup Bibliometrie v Národní technické knihovně: metody, zkušenosti, mise a vize(2014) Szarzec, JakubPublikace Otevřený přístup Bibliometrie: přínosy, úskalí(2014) Jirát, JiříPublikace Otevřený přístup Bringing it all together - a national CRIS with a national consortia model incorporating a national co-ordination of Open Access(2013) Karlstrøm, NinaThe presentation will focus on the setting up of the Norwegian CRIStin, Current Research Information System in Norway. Established in January 2011, it is owned by the Ministry of Research and Education in cooperation with the Ministry of Health. CRIStin's main objects are to provide value to society by facilitating cooperation between different research areas and to collect and compile information from the research institutions based on a principle of free access for all.CRIStin's aim is also to provide high quality data on scientific publication as a basis for the funding system for universities/colleges, research institutes/foundations and specialised health care, as well as functioning in a centralized capacity for negotiating and licensing electronic resources to a large number of consortia. Looking more closely at the consortia model, the benefits and challenges of setting up a national body will be discussed. The presentation will also discuss the synergy effect of combining a national CRIS with a national consortia model and incorporating national co-ordination of Open Access into one organisation.Publikace Otevřený přístup Career Management and Entrepreneurship(Národní technická knihovna, 2022) Masia, MarcoPre-conference workshop. The course on Career Management and Entrepreneurship has been prepared by the InnoExc GmbH team (Innovation Excellence Hub – a platform for innovators and investors). It is designed for doctoral candidates, focuses on learning how to manage career and develop entrepreneurial skills. It covers a variety of skills from career planning and assessment, leadership and intellectual property rights to teamwork and problem - solving.Publikace Omezený přístup České výzkumné organizace v evropských konsorciích v rámcovém programu Horizont Evropa(Národní technická knihovna, 2024) Frank, DanielPrezentace z konference KRECon 2024 o hodnocení rámcového programu Horizont Evropa.Publikace Otevřený přístup Co potřebují vysoké školy pro efektivní podporu informační a publikační činnosti?(2013) Pospíšil, MilanPublikace Otevřený přístup Common mistakes in the application of bibliometric information in the Czech Republic(2011) Jurajda, ŠtěpánI review the existing evidence on the productivity of Czech science (by field) based on bibliometric data, point to typical mistakes made in recent evaluation exercises and analyses, illustrate these using examples typically drawn from social sciences, and offer a few tentative bibliometric facts myself.Publikace Otevřený přístup Conference Opening and Welcome - KRECon 2023(National Library of Technology, 2024) Svoboda, Martin; Doleček, Pavel; Wildová, RadkaWelcome speach on KRECon 2023 Conference.Publikace Otevřený přístup Contributing to a culture of effective doctoral supervision(Národní technická knihovna, 2022) Zinner, LucasPublikace Otevřený přístup Crisis of scientific communication: Fact or Fiction?(2010) Haňka, RudolfModern libraries have been around for hundreds of years and served us well with practically the same form of service. Today electronic publishing seems to be changing not only the form of service but the concept of a scientific library as such, as professionals for their work not only need access to the right publications but they frequently want it right now. At the same time some, if not all, modes of scientific communication are experiencing growing degrees of stress. We are faced with an almost exponential expansion of journal titles, many of them published only electronically. When we add to this the current tendencies to assess the scientific merit of an academic by the number of his publications or citations we see the basis for this ‘publish or perish’ culture we all are experiencing. On the other hand the emphasis on the ‘transfer of technologies’ is often forcing scientists to hold back publications of their results in order to protect their intellectual property. Indeed some results are never published or patented precisely because their commercial value is greater when their essential principles are not known. We see the gradual decline of telephone directories as our mobile telephone numbers are deemed to be too confidential to be published. Are we moving in the same direction with the scientific results of a real value?Publikace Otevřený přístup Current debates in Norway(National Library of Technology, 2024) Borlaug, Siri BrorstadPresentation at the KRECon Conference 2024.Publikace Otevřený přístup Czech Research-Intensive Universities and their Perspective on Doctoral Schools(Národní technická knihovna, 2022) Doleček, PavelPublikace Otevřený přístup Data Stewardship(Národní technická knihovna, 2022) Johnsen, Hanne Risan; Andreassen, Helene N.Pre-Conference workshop. The course on Data stewardship has been developed by the UiT – The Arctic University of Norway. As research data becomes more openly available, data stewardship is a skill in high demand, both within and beyond academia. The Course for doctoral candidates focuses on all the steps of research data management, from finding relevant data to publishing their own dataset. Created by experts in the field, it focuses on deepening skills that are sought-after within both the academic and private sector.