Krueger, Stephanie

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  • PublikaceOtevřený přístup
    Academic writing in the broader context of early career researcher development
    (2021) Chodounská, Alena; Skenderija, Sasha; Krueger, Stephanie
    Many of us working in the area of academic writing in Central European universities at the early career researcher level find ourselves struggling with the boundary of the term “academic writing.” Like a Russian Matryoshka doll, one finds that skill development often requires introducing students to concepts extending far beyond writing, exposing educational gaps that can be filled by disciplinary mentors who may or may not have time to work with mentees on developing the required competencies. This presentation describes an online tool, STEMskiller, developed by NTK to assist mentors in filling in such gaps, describing how its developers confronted the “boundary problem” as a supplement to introductory writing classes. The presentation provides case studies for STEMskiller’s use by academic writing instructors with stories from our initial experiences with mentors and other users. We discuss plans for the tool’s future development, including our desire to serve the global academic community by means of collaborative peer review and resource curation as well as our goal of working together at the cross-institutional, cross-national level in order to improve overall levels of education, particularly for mentors and students at institutions who, for whatever reason, cannot easily create new academic service units flexible enough to meet international disciplinary requirements.
  • PublikaceOmezený přístup
    Inquiry/Customer Relationship Management at NTK
    (2014-07) Krueger, Stephanie; Koch, Ondřej; Koudelka, Jakub; Chodounská, Alena
  • PublikaceOtevřený přístup
    Cooking Stone Soup: Porous Workforce Training at the Czech National Library of Technology as a Supplement to (Impermeable) University Education
    (2016) Chodounská, Alena; Krueger, Stephanie
    As in many other countries around the world, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) libraries in the Czech Republic are facing the difficult challenge of meeting the rapidly-evolving service needs of the communities they support in an environment in which the current university educational system does not provide graduates—neither those from STEM subjects nor those graduating from Czech library/information professional schools—with the appropriate set of skills needed for working in today’s specialized information provision settings. As a result, the Czech National Library of Technology (NTK) has been forced to provide on-the-job workforce training since early 2015 to its reference, instructional, and front-lines services staff simply in order to keep pace with STEM library developments outside the Czech Republic. This weekly workforce training effort, christened NTKu (short for NTKyouniversity), does not resemble traditional university education with its rigid structures and focus on the attainment of a degree. NTKu is, instead, porous: traditional “impermeable,” less flexible university curricula are supplemented with on-demand, ever-changing targeted instruction on specific issues, topics, and skills applied immediately to real-work settings. This manner of instruction, as the authors discuss in the paper, can yield highly effective results; however, unique challenges can emerge in an instructional environment lacking traditional measures of effectiveness (i.e., grades) and requiring voluntary participation by both learners and instructors. Such porous instructional efforts resemble those of open source software (OSS) communities, in which voluntary effort can produce results benefiting a particularly community—but only to the degree of investment provided by contributors. Such initiatives resemble cooking stone soup: the results can be tasty, but everyone involved needs to bring something to the table.
  • PublikaceOtevřený přístup
    Cestovní zpráva - 38th Annual IATUL Conference Bozen 2017
    (2017-06) Krueger, Stephanie; Chodounská, Alena
    Tématem výroční konference IATUL 2017 s titulem "Embedding Libraries – Service and Development in Contex" byl vývoj služeb a informační podpory poskytované akademickými knihovnami v kontextu univerzity a celé společnosti. Tohoto ročníku se zúčastnilo Více než 120 účastníků z celého světa. Dr. Krueger prezentovala příspěvek s názvem: Letting Traditional Boundaries Blur: A Case Study in Co-Developing STEM “Excellence” Courses a na žádost organizátorů konference moderovala čtvrteční sekci, jíž se účastnili řečníci z Technické univerzity v německém Mnichově a řečníci z Německé národní knihovny vědy a techniky v Hannoveru.
  • PublikaceOtevřený přístup
    Cestovní zpráva - IFLA WLIC 2017 Vratislav
    (2017-08) Chodounská, Alena; Krueger, Stephanie; Minaříková, Pavla; Skenderija, Sasha; Stehlík, Martin
    Náplní služební cesty byla návštěva a aktivní vystoupení na konferenci IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2017 v polské Vratislavi. Přínos akce spočíval nejen ve vyměňování zkušeností a identifikaci trendů, ale i navázání cenných kontaktů s informačními profesionály z různých částí světa. Zároveň bylo možno s knihovníky z celého světa prodiskutovat modely zpřístupnění odborných elektronických zdrojů fungující v jejich zemích a představit jim cíle projektu CzechElib.
  • PublikaceOtevřený přístup
    Assessing awareness of library services: an ethnographic examination of bachelor students at two Czech technology universities
    (2016) Chodounská, Alena; Krueger, Stephanie
    In this paper, the authors present interim research results from an ongoing ethnographic examination of eight engineering undergraduate students from two technology universities in Prague, Czech Republic. A multi-layered data gathering strategy was employed, including semi-structured in-person interviews as well as in situ and virtual observations of participants interacting with learning environments. This data enabled the authors to examine whether or not students are aware of library services. “Library services” are here broadly defined to include not only traditional support services but also new, emerging areas of activity which can be categorized under the broader concept of undergraduate student support. Findings indicate very poor awareness of library offerings although participants were aware of the library as a study space. The authors additionally touch briefly upon the concept of “backward design” for service development, in which research data is gathered and considered prior to service design and launch.