Publikace: Developing a New Award DOI Service - US Department of Energy
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National Library of Technology
Australian Research Data Commons
Australian Research Data Commons
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) provides DOE awarding organizations the ability to assign DOIs to awards. The journey to provide this service began in 2017, when we started to hear from DOE communities about how helpful it would be to have persistent identifiers assigned to awards. As early participants in Crossref’s Funder Advisory Group, we were involved in the development of their Grant ID service, allowing Crossref members to assign DOIs to various types of awards using a metadata schema specifically tailored to describe awards. Leveraging this experience and following the launch of the Crossref service, the DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) developed a new Award DOI Service. I’ll share the process of developing the DOE Award DOI Service, its 2020 minimum viable product launch, and the continued development efforts working to scale up the service.
Klíčová slova
persistent identifiers, DOI, awards, US Department of Energy, DOE, perzistentní identifikátory, DOI, ocenění, US Department of Energy, DOE
Název akce
PIDfest 2024
Datum a místo konání
Prague, CZ
Prague, CZ