Enriching Library Metadata with APIs

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Given the ever-dwindling resources assigned to metadata creation, individual libraries are hard-pressed to create and maintain high quality traditional metadata across-the-board, let alone to prepare and transform legacy data into linked data. Coming up with no additional support by looking inside, one should look outside for resources that can help mitigate the situation. Nowadays, libraries no longer monopolize metadata creation. More and more special domain communities have set up Wikipedia-like crowd-sourced portals to serve information needs of their members. At the same time, there are international initiatives in the library community to set up data stores for linked data sets. Can the library tap into these rich information resources, in an efficient way, to enrich library metadata in the traditional way as well as prepare the legacy data for the big migration? This presentation will discuss how Michigan State University Libraries is able to harvest selected metadata from various library and non-library community based portals through APIs (Application Programming Interface) in a batch and automated fashion to enrich existing metadata of a popular music collection and enhance them with URIs for linked data conversion down the road.

Klíčová slova
identifikátory, identifiers, metadata, API, knihovny, univerzity, hudba, metadata, application programming interface, libraries, universities, music
Název akce
ELAG 2018
Datum a místo konání
Praha (CZ)