Analysis of the development direction of a conceptual academic library resource sharing service based on a case study of DXY

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Under a global environment characterized by open and complex information, academic library resource-sharing practitioners should observe the information-service market beyond a “library-oriented” setting and rethink the development direction of the service. To investigate this issue, this paper presents an analysis of the development trajectory and characteristics of DXY, a Chinese information service enterprise. This study also discusses the development of academic library resource-sharing service from three dimensions, namely, service targets, service contents, and service roles. Findings show that the academic library resource-sharing practitioners should break through the traditional cognitive framework of “academic users on campus” and “document providers,” and furthermore, consider upgrading the service to assume a comprehensive role as information sharer, information connector, and platform operator simultaneously. This change will enable the move toward a knowledge service orientation.

Klíčová slova
propojená data, vytěžování dat, vytěžování informací, information mining, data mining, linked data, information connection, informační prameny, meziknihovní výpůjční služby, elektronické dodávání dokumentů, otevřený přístup, information sources, interlibrary circulation services, document delivery services, open access
Název akce
16th IFLA ILDS Conference 2019: Beyond the Paywall
Datum a místo konání
Praha (CZ)