And the Winner is… PIDs for Research Awards and Prizes in the KDSF Standard for Research Information

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Název časopisu
ISSN časopisu
Název svazku
National Library of Technology
Australian Research Data Commons
Výzkumné projekty
Organizační jednotky
Číslo časopisu
The registry of research awards and prizes is part of a larger effort of the Commission of Research Information in Germany (KFiD) to facilitate institutional research information management. The KFiD is an expert body which brings together the most relevant actors of the German science system. One of KFiD’s instruments is the KDSF Standard for Research Information. It aims at harmonizing the collection and reporting of research information in Germany. It does so by proposing a set of definitions and rules for diverse domains, such as, projects, employment, publications, and in future, research prizes and awards. The KDSF recommends the use of PIDs for the collection and reporting of research information.
Klíčová slova
persistent identifiers, research information, standards, KDSF standard, Commision of Research Information, KFiD, perzistentní identifikátory, výzkumné informace, standardy, KDSF standard, Commision of Research Information, KFiD
Název akce
PIDfest 2024
Datum a místo konání
Prague, CZ