Publikace: UKRR – a collaborative collection management strategy
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The British Library is one of the greatest research libraries in the world. It holds in excess of 150 million items, from original print newspapers to manuscripts, books, journals sound recordings and unique personal archives. The collection is both historic and contemporary bringing together the nation’s memory for the purpose of cultural appreciation and research. In terms of meeting its defined purposes1, the British Library (BL) must transform to meet the current and future needs of research demands because the way in which society seeks knowledge has changed. The traditional library is one of card catalogues and reference numbers that navigate the researcher in an analogue world to the knowledge they seek. Nowadays researchers expect the data and content in their hands anywhere, in dynamic and social spaces, rejecting the past norms of formal research establishments. As the BL adjusts to accommodate this need it must still maintain access to its print collections and of course preserve them for future generations. The UK Research Reserve (UKRR) project set the ambitious target of saving 100km of shelf space within University Libraries by de-duplicating low use print journals on the premise that a master, accessible copy is held by the BL. This collaboration between the BL, UK Higher Education and (formerly) the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) has subsequently delivered 128km of library shelf space amounting to £29m in capital savings, and over £18m in recurring estate management costs. This paper describes the evolution of the new access and preservation approach building on the UKRR project outcomes. It will explain how print preservation and access can fit harmoniously alongside a digital strategy reflecting the need for a wider access model that democratises access to content whilst ensuring preservation for future generations. It will also contextualise the approach as part of the national Library’s mandate and why the combination has proven to be a recipe of success.
Klíčová slova
deduplikace, de-duplication, budovy knihoven, periodika, knihovní fondy, ochrana informačních fondů, kooperace, library buildings, periodicals, library collections, information files protection, cooperation
Název akce
16th IFLA ILDS Conference 2019: Beyond the Paywall
Datum a místo konání
Praha (CZ)
Praha (CZ)