Blend and deblend Linked open data in a Consortium

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Pallarès, Jordi
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ISSN časopisu
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Výzkumné projekty
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Číslo časopisu

Working in a Consortium give us the perspective to see the benefits of blending ideas to create a applications from a central data/point. In some cases we found the Institution want to deblend or „not blend“ with the consortium and prefer or they see more benefits to made his own aplication. We explain our experience in the Consortium blending and not blending desicions and explain two projects in linked open data to show examples of this two ways. One project We blend all the authorities and in other we not blend in the case of Thesaurus of the University of Barcelona using Skos format.

Klíčová slova
otevřená data, propojená data, open data, linked data