Memorandum of Understanding for establishment and operation of Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP3)

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Číslo časopisu

Fulltext of the Memorandum of Understanding for establishment and operation of SCOAP3 with all annexes (MoU). Annex 1 contains the parties to the MoU, the second brings list of SCOAP3 partners. Third then list of publishers and journals, in alphabetical order. Annex 4 is a form of contract with publishers and 5th is related to technical specification - provision of peer-review, open access, and other publication services for the benefit of SCOAP 3. Annex 6 is an expanded list of shares of HEP literature by country, calculated with the method set out in Annex 8. Amounts are given to an additional decimal place for countries with a share not exceeding 0.1%. Amounts are given to an additional decimal place for countries with a share not exceeding 0.1%. Annex 7 contains template expressions of interest. The last annex, Annex 8, is SCOAP3 working party report - Towards Open Access Publishing in High Energy Physics. In 2020, the Addendum to the MoU covering the SCOAP3 for Books initiative and the Addendum to the MoU covering the third phase of SCOAP3 were signed.

Klíčová slova
CERN, SCOAP3, SCOAP3, CERN, SCOAP3, otevřený přístup, mezinárodní spolupráce, nakladatelství, vědecká komunikace, elementární částice, open access, international cooperation, publishing houses, scholarly communication, elementary particles
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