Publikace: Exploring Research Collaboration Through Connected PIDs: ORCID & Crossref Data Visualization Using R and Tableau
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Název svazku
National Library of Technology
Australian Research Data Commons
Australian Research Data Commons
The ORCID US Community partnered with the Drexel University LEADING program to create a set of resources for visualizing publication collaboration activity based on public data from researchers’ ORCID records and Crossref DOI publication metadata. The resources include an R script that can be used to retrieve information about publishing collaborations between researchers at a home organization and other organizations across the globe. The resulting dataset can be imported into a Tableau Public dashboard template, to create a data visualization that can be shared with multiple stakeholders to emphasize how PIDs can be used to visualize researcher activity and impact.
Klíčová slova
persistent identifiers, ORCID, Crossref, data visualization, R programming language, Tableau, perzistentní identifikátory, ORCID, Crossref, vizualizace dat, programovací jazyk R, Tableau
Název akce
PIDfest 2024
Datum a místo konání
Prague, CZ
Prague, CZ