Publikace: Let’s Talk About PIDs
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Australian Research Data Commons
Does your work involve talking to people about PIDs? Do you sometimes struggle to explain what they are? Do you find it hard to clearly articulate their value to different communities? If you answered yes to any of these questions, come along to this session and learn how other people are telling PID stories in their communities: how they talk about the value proposition for PIDs and their metadata (individually and collectively); what sorts of messages work for them and what don’t; how they incorporate use cases and evidence; and more. This is an interactive session so, as well as hearing from speakers representing a variety of perspectives, you’ll also have a chance to share your own experiences of talking about PIDs, to brainstorm new ways of communicating their value, and to try them out on other participants in this session.
Klíčová slova
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Datum a místo konání
Prague, CZ