Houston, we have a problem: how to teach young generation to preserve sound cultural heritage

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Péče o zvukové nosiče a ochranu jejich obsahu vyžaduje spedifické znalosti a dovednosti. V tomto směru máme problémy s hledáním a získáváním odborníků, protože znalci starších technologií jsou již mimo pracovní proces a mladší generace se nemá kde a jak vzdělávat. Příspěvek klade otázky a některé odpovědi na příkladech z praxe v ČR.
Media preservation and archiving needs unique skillsets. We live in a time of technology that enables us to utilize it in favor of the world sound cultural heritage, especially in terms of its protection for the next generations. We would like to ask and discuss some crucial questions related to our power, to the IASA aims, objectives and possibilities in the matter of design, promotion and dissemination of training in this area. But it's not just about special education and training in the usual concept. It must go on activities in the broadest sense and widest conception. Great emphasis must be placed on the motivation of getting support from the Decisions makers. We should start with a basic broad awareness. We need advocacy strategies and changing leadership skills. It is necessary to seek new ways of cooperation and ways of thinking. We need reshaping of our own minds, our abilities and skills. Without the young generation we are lost – we need to involve it, to wake up their interest, pass on to them our knowledge and know-how. On several cases from our practice in the CR we will show how successful we were and where we were not.
Klíčová slova
Virtuální národní fonotéka, zvukové dokumenty, záznam zvuku, nedostatek vzdělávání, Virtual National Phonoteque, audio documents, sound recording, lack of education
Název akce
IASA 2017 Annual Conference
Datum a místo konání
Berlín (DE)