Publikace: PIDs and Open Infrastructure: International Collaboration for the Greater Good
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Název časopisu
ISSN časopisu
Název svazku
National Library of Technology
Australian Research Data Commons
Australian Research Data Commons
In this session, we will explore examples of widely used, global open source software platforms (OJS/OPS, DSpace Repository, and VIVO), and discuss how international collaborations, as well as the creation of global funding opportunities by ORCID and DataCite, have been integral to the success of the integration of PIDs in these systems. First, we will share our personal experiences bringing together a global network of collaborators who have pushed forward the development of the ORCID API integrations for both OJS/OPS and DSpace. Second, we will explore the collaborative work toward improving documentation and encouraging the use of the DataCite API integration within DSpace. Third, we will hear from the international VIVO community about their plans to make improvements to the ORCID API integration in VIVO.
Klíčová slova
persistent identifiers, open source software platforms, international collaboration, ORCID, DataCite, perzistentní identifikátory, platformy s otevřeným zdrojovým kódem, mezinárodní spolupráce, ORCID, DataCite
Název akce
PIDfest 2024
Datum a místo konání
Prague, CZ
Prague, CZ