ORCID integration into PTCRIS: developing an integrated research information ecosystem in Portugal

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Název časopisu
ISSN časopisu
Název svazku
National Library of Technology
Organizační jednotky
Číslo časopisu
ORCID iD is a unique and persistent identifier for researchers that ensures the persistence and interoperability of scientific communication and facilitates the exchange of information in accordance with the principles of open science and FAIR data. This workshop focuses on the integration of ORCID iD into the systems of research funding organizations, with the goal of reducing the administrative burden on researchers and increasing the visibility of Czech research results globally. The goal of the workshop is to provide a platform to discuss the benefits and practical use of ORCID iD in the Czech environment. Participants explored topics such as optimizing research processes and reducing administrative burden. Practical examples from Portugal allowed sharing of best practices, experiences, and challenges in integrating ORCID iD into a research reporting system similar to the Czech IS VaVaI.
Klíčová slova
perzistentní identifikátory, PIDs, ORCID iD, integrace, Portugalsko, persistent identifiers, PIDs, ORCID iD, integration, Portugal
Název akce
Workshop Integrating ORCID iD into Research Funding Organizations’ Systems
Datum a místo konání
Prague, CZ