Vyčítalová, Hana

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  • PublikaceOtevřený přístup
    Národní úložiště šedé literatury: zdroj informací o obtížně dostupných dokumentech
    (2012-04-24) Vyčítalová, Hana
    Cílem příspěvku je představit digitální repozitář Národní úložiště šedé literatury (NUŠL) jako zdroj pro vyhledávání informací o obtížně dostupných dokumentech, které spadají do oblasti šedé literatury (tj. nepublikovaná či polopublikovaná literatura) a nebývají součástí běžných fondů knihoven. NUŠL spravuje Národní technická knihovna (NTK).NUŠL se zaměřuje na odbornou šedou literaturu především z oblasti vědy, výzkumu a vzdělávání. Spolupracujícími partnery NUŠL a hlavními zdroji šedé literatury z oblasti vědy a výzkumu jsou Akademie věd České republiky, veřejné výzkumné instituce, vysoké školy, knihovny a muzea. V příspěvku bude detailně představen obsah repozitáře, zajímavé typy dokumentů a především možnosti vyhledávání dokumentů v NUŠL. Centrální rozhraní NUŠL nabízí intuitivní vyhledávání ve sbírkách více institucí najednou a je hlavním přístupovým bodem k hledání šedé literatury v České republice. NUŠL svým zaměřením doplňuje klasické informační zdroje a měl by být součástí rešeršních služeb v českých knihovnách.
  • PublikaceOtevřený přístup
    National grey literature cooperation model
    (2015) Pejšová, Petra; Vyčítalová, Hana
    The National Library of Technology (NTK) has a long tradition of collecting grey literature on the national level. NTK became SIGLE system partner in the 1980s and from 2008 it has been the coordinator of the National Repository of Grey Literature (NRGL). NTK has created a grey literature partnership network in the Czech Republic. Over 130 institutions dedicated to research, science, education, culture etc. participate in this network and provide grey literature to the NRGL. NTK manages cooperation among these institutions and NRGL, provides methodology and standards, and deals with the legal aspects of repository management and collecting grey literature. We have created a model of the main parties involved in collecting and publishing grey literature in order to gain a better insight in the structure, and to enhance further cooperation. We defined the role of partners, type of participants, services, and tools used for grey literature publishing. In our poster, we would like to present the Czech national model as an inspiration for institutions in other countries.
  • PublikaceOtevřený přístup
    NUŠL a možnosti jeho využití pro česká muzea a galerie
    (2012-09-04) Vyčítalová, Hana
  • PublikaceOtevřený přístup
    Národní úložiště šedé literatury a jak ho využívat
    (2012) Vyčítalová, Hana
    Prezentace měla seznámit studenty na České zemědělské univerzitě s Národním úložištěm šedé literatury.
  • PublikaceOmezený přístup
    Cestovní zpráva - Fourteenth International Conference on Grey Literature: Tracking Innovation through Grey Literature
    (2012-12) Pejšová, Petra; Vyčítalová, Hana
    Účelem zahraniční služební cesty byla účast PhDr. Petry Pejšové a Mgr. Hany Vyčítalové na dvoudenní konferenci „Fourteenth International Conference on Grey Literature“ v Římě. Konference se koná každý rok a zaměřuje se na problematiku šedé literatury. Na konferenci byl prezentován poster s názvem „Grey Literature Partnership Network in the Czech Republic“. V průběhu zahraniční cesty došlo také k pracovnímu setkání obou účastnic z NTK se členy skupiny EuroCRIS – Anne Assersson z univerzity v Bergenu v Norsku a Keith Jeffery, STFC-Rutherford Appleton Laboratory ve Velké Británii. Byly prodiskutovány možnosti využití formátu CERIF pro vznik databáze českých vědců a výzkumníků.
  • PublikaceOtevřený přístup
    Národní úložiště šedé literatury
    (2015) Pejšová, Petra; Vyčítalová, Hana
    Prezentace k přednášce pronesené v bloku "Co se děje v oblasti digitálních repozitářů a OA" v rámci konference Otevřené repozitáře 2015.
  • PublikaceOtevřený přístup
    Grey Literature Partnership Network in the Czech Republic
    (2012-11) Pejšová, Petra; Vyčítalová, Hana
  • PublikaceOtevřený přístup
    Collecting Grey Literature – Institutional Repository versus National Aggregator
    (2017) Černohlávková, Petra; Vyčítalová, Hana
    The Czech National Library of Technology (NTK) provides two digital repositories – the National Repository of Grey Literature (NRGL) and the NTK Institutional Digital Repository (IDR). NRGL’s primary is providing access to grey literature as well as long-term archiving and preservation of grey literature from various institutions in the Czech Republic. The IDR was created for collecting and archiving of employee-generated content and other documents, including grey literature, connected with the library and its services. Our poster highlights the differences between collecting grey literature at the institutional level (through the institutional repository) and at the national level. What commonalities and differences do they have? What problems do they solve? Differences include not only overall conceptions and document types, but also methods for collecting, legal issues and standards as well as functionality and options. Thanks to our experiences in managing both types of repositories, we define general differences, obstacles, and development possibilities. Information presented here, including a mode for cooperating at the institutional or national level, is useful for all institutions planning to start collecting (not only) grey literature at the institutional or the national level even at cooperating institutional model/level
  • PublikaceOtevřený přístup
    Czech Grey Literature and Research Outputs - Transformation of the NUŠL Service
    (2020-11-19) Černohlávková, Petra; Vyčítalová, Hana
    The Czech National Repository of Grey Literature (NUSL) has been bringing GL to science and society over 10 years. It is based on Lisbon definition from 1997, updated in 2004, and on its own document typology that was created in 2008 as one of the outputs of the same name project. Since then there have been several papers and articles calling for new definition and new typology, asking what should be still considered GL and what not anymore. (Savić, 2017; Baxter and Hilbrecht, 2020) Savic (2019) pointed out that if everything can be marked as GL then probably nothing is GL. The NUSL already had to change its typology few times to provide still good service and to reflect research institutions’ needs. However, it is not only the document typology that influences the repository and the service, there are other circumstances which affect further development of the NUSL such as partner institutions’ needs, the National Research, Development and Innovation Policy, European Commission’s guidelines on research outputs, current quantity and quality of other repositories and systems for grey literature and research results in the Czech Republic etc. The contribution/paper will bring a brief overview on NUSL’s experience over 10 years of providing the service. Then it will be focused on a current situation in research area of the Czech Republic in detail. Finally, out of these points will conclude to the necessary changes that has to be taken by NUSL and his provider – National Library of Technology in Prague, in order to keep the service meaningful.
  • PublikaceOtevřený přístup
    Milestones of grey literature in the Czech Republic
    (2018) Vyčítalová, Hana; Černohlávková, Petra
    This poster aims to take you through the all-important milestones and moments of Czech grey literature history. The history is still brief, but not poor at all. Until 2005, the National Library of Technology in Prague (NTK) was in charge of distributing grey literature data from the Czech Republic into the System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe (SIGLE). That year, SIGLE was discontinued, and that led to a project at NTK to build the Czech National Repository of Grey Literature (NUŠL) in order not to lose valuable documents created outside the main publishing stream. The preparatory phase took about two years, and in 2008, the project began led by NTK with financial support from the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic. This was one of the biggest milestones for Czech grey literature, with NTK’s role shifting from contributor to central collector and leader of this topic in the Czech Republic. This year is the tenth anniversary since the kick off day of the project, and many things have changed since then, including software, features, design, people, and much more. The Seminar on Providing Access to Grey Literature that has been linked to the project from beginning has evolved as well. In 2014, it was transformed into an international Conference on Grey Literature and Repositories. This poster evaluates the progress of this repository and its efforts in collecting, preserving, sharing, providing accessibility to, and promoting grey literature in the Czech Republic. Past experiences lead us to consider the future of grey literature as in general as in case of NUŠL and maybe also its reassessment.