How long might an average student take to put out a respectable manuscript? Given that the student is a first-time author.

Academic Writing Q&A Series 6

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National Library of Technology
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The presentation gives an overview of the process of getting one’s first article ready for publication. This presentation serves as the basis for a video from the Academic Writing Q&A series that was created as a supplement to the My First Scientific Article webinar. The presentation emphasizes the importance of pre-writing preparation and post-draft revision depending on the type of article intended and advises on how to schedule the time needed for both. The content is useful for Early Career Researchers and for everyone who is interested in scholarly communication and publishing.

Klíčová slova
akademické psaní, časový rozvrh, příprava na psaní, konzultace a revize rukopisu, začínající výzkumníci, doktorandi, PhD, academic writing, time management, pre-writing preparation, post-draft consultation and revision, Early Career Researchers, PhD candidates, postdocs
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