Publikace: If you are new in writing, and you have a very good professor as a second author (who has many publications), will it help get the article manuscript accepted?
Academic Writing Q&A Series 12
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National Library of Technology
This presentation explains the nature of academic peer review. This presentation serves as the basis for a video from the Academic Writing Q&A series that was created as a supplement to the My First Scientific Article webinar. The presentation explains how the blind peer review works in academic publishing and how it differs from an open review, including a link to further resources on peer review. It also suggests what may actually improve one’s chances of publication. The content is useful for Early Career Researchers and for everyone who is interested in scholarly communication and publishing.
Klíčová slova
akademické psaní, akademické publikování, akademické časopisy, recenzní řízení, autorství, začínající výzkumníci, doktorandi, PhD, academic writing, academic publishing, academic journals, peer review, authorship, Early Career Researchers, PhD candidates, postdocs