Publikace: How do I confidently present my research results? How do I overcome stage fright? How do I answer questions after my presentation?
Academic Writing Q&A Series 14
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National Library of Technology
This presentation tackles the question of how to avoid stage fright while presenting research results live as well as online. This presentation serves as the basis for a video from the Academic Writing Q&A series that was created as a supplement to the My First Scientific Article webinar. The presentation gives useful tips on how to build up confidence, including a link to further resources. It stresses the need for advance preparation, and advocates group practice sessions. The content is useful for Early Career Researchers and for everyone who is interested in scholarly communication and in improving their presentation skills.
Klíčová slova
prezentace výzkumu, akademické konference, tréma, příprava na prezentaci, skupinový feedback, začínající výzkumníci, doktorandi, PhD, research presentation, academic conferences, stage fright, preparing for presentation, group practice feedback, Early Career Researchers, PhD candidates, postdocs